Cotton shopping bags are lightweight, easy to carry and reusable. If you want to save the environment, then nothing can be more promising than promoting cotton bags. People of all ages use the cotton tote bag for various purposes on a daily basis.
Whether it's grocery shopping, picnic, outdoor visit or carrying anything, large cotton tote bags have enough space to carry a large volume of items. Hence, why not use this extremely useful item for brand promotion?
For any product-selling or service-providing, businesses need a bag to deliver items to the customers. If you want to boost your sales and let the takeaway speak for your brand, get cotton tote bags printed with the logo. Therefore, we stock affordable, convenient and recyclable tote bags for you to print with a custom design.
At Print Britannia, we have plain cotton tote bags in white and neutral colours and plain black tote bags in stock. You can choose any of the bags you prefer that seem compatible with the design and logo. Moreover, we have three different sizes of bags such as 38 x 42cm,
34 x 40cm and 35 x 39 x 13.5cm
So, considering the type of items you sell, you may choose the size of bag required. Then we also have two different sizes of handles that you can select for the bag. The material of the tote bags is durable, washable and convenient to use for various purposes.
If you want to use the bags for business promotion, then you can print the logo in multiple positions. We also have advanced printing technology that can print three coloured logos. So, you can easily print any logo or design with one, two or three colour variations. No matter what you wish to print on the tote bag, Print Britannia can ensure the finish quality with excellence.
Need urgent delivery? Then place your order now and get the bags at your doorstep the next day with our premium delivery service. If you need any design assistance or have additional requirements besides our order form, feel free to write to us. Our professional team is available 24X7 online at your service.
UK Delivery
It’s free for all UK mainland deliveries order over £30 (Net).
You can also order selected products before 2 pm and they will be with you very next day (only on selected London post code)
Once you have selected your products and before proceeded to checkout you will now have the choice of our week days Premium (1-2 working days), Standard (3-5 working days) and saver (5-7 working days) delivery options.
With Click & Collect at Print Britannia, you can now place your order online or offline and then pick up your products at your own time.
Claims in respect of damages in delivery, delay, shortage of quantity or impaired quality must be made in writing to us within 3 days of delivery.
We reserve the right to reprint defective work and shall not be liable to refund.
Our refund process can take upto 3 working days to complete once we have agreed to refund.
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